⚠️Please be sure to evaluate(受け取り評価) the product as soon as it arrives.‼️‼️Buy at your own risk ‼️‼️NO RETURN NO EXCHANGE‼️✔️値下げ交渉ご遠慮ください。Please refrain from price negotiations.✔️他の商品とのまとめ売りも可能です。ご希望の際はお気軽にコメントしてください。Accepting multiple orders or Bulk sales with other products are also possible. Just leave a Comment belowᴗ̈✔️輸入品ですのでパッケージの変更や多少のダメージはご理解ください。Please be reminded of possible Packaging renewal ,deformation and damages on the product packaging because it is an imported products.✔️配送時に商品が破損した場合は一切責任負いません。返品、返金、交換一切受け付けません。If the item was damaged due to the shipping, the store is not liable for any damages, and the item(s) in question are not subjected for refund.‼️Note‼️: For cheaper shipping fee It may be taken out of the box / Pack and ship it together with the item 。発送料金が安くなるように箱/袋から取り出して発送する場合もございます。ご了承ください。